PROJECT 8 - The Solar System

Question: How many planets are in our Solar System?
                Can you name all of the planets?
                What is at the center of our Solar System?

Find Solar System Vocabulary in this Word Search:

PROJECT 7 - Flowers

Question:  Can you name 5 main parts of the flower?
                What are the 3 steps in how seeds are made?
Complete the fun activity below to keep learning the parts of the flowers.

PROJECT 6 - Rocks and Minerals

Question: What are rocks made of?
Question: What are the 3 types of rocks?

Minerals Coloring  Page Link:

PROJECT 5 - The Muscles

Question: Which muscles helps move your legs?
                Which muscles helps move your arms?

Project 4 - The Water Cycle

Question: What are the 4 phases of the water cycle?
                  Which phase of the cycle is occurring if it rains or snows?

PROJECT 3 - The Senses

Question: What body part do you use to hear?
                  What do you use your eyes for?
                  How many senses do humans have?
Watch this video to answer the questions:

Worksheet Link:

PROJECT 2 - The Skeleton

Question: Can you name 3 bones in the human Skeleton?
Question: How many bones does the human body have?

Online Activity Link:

PROJECT 1 - Animals and Food

Question: Can you name 5 animals that are mammals?
Question: What do Herbivores eat?